Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just whose definition of "Fair" are we using? OR Isn't a Consumer Advocate Supposed to advocate for the consumer?

I received the following e-mail from Nikki's Supervisor this week...

Dear Ms. Baty,

Nikki has forward your request for a supervisor to me.  I reviewed your emails and case file and and we do want to be of assistance to you.    I understand you would like GE is to cover the total cost however, I believe Nikki made a fair offer in covering all the parts needed to repair your unit.  Should you wish to accept this offer Nikki will be happy to schedule the appointment with the parts concession for you.  Thank you for taking the time to email us and I hope we can resolve this for you.

Consumer Advocate Supervisor

In response to this e-mail, I have a few thoughts about the meaning of the word "fair".

  • It appears that we have a difference of opinion about what is "fair".
  • Is it fair to expect that GE customers will have a 75% failure rate with their appliances?
  • Is it fair to expect that GE appliances are so poorly made that they will not be usable within 4 years of purchase?  
  • GE claims to be an "eco-friendly" company, yet it is fair to expect their appliances to be disposable? 
  • Is it fair to expect a consumers to pay for repairs on "high-end" appliances that were expected to last the duration of a new construction mortgage? 
I read today that GE is a company with the 3rd fastest growing stock in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, yet they are unwilling to back their products when they fail?  The total cost of fixing our appliances would be minuscule to GE, perhaps even tax deductible...yet the cost to our family would force us to decide which bills won't get paid next month. Please tell me where there is fairness on GE's part? 

I  believe that the only fair part of this situation is my request for them to stand behind the products that we paid thousands of dollars for only a few years ago.

It is interesting to note that Di's signature contains the title "Consumer Advocate Supervisor".  Her title suggests that she advocates for the consumer...hmm...who is she advocating for?